Regulars Table (International Stammtisch & LBT)

📣 Wanna meet some more local BOKU (LBT) or international students? 🥳 Then watch out for the next Internationals Stammtisch together with LBT and BOKU-internationals🥳

There’s also the oportunity to join the Na-nÓg– PubQuiz at 7 pm.
Registration required, so please write your Team/Name in this excel-file so we can sign you in for the quiz! In a team can be up to 6 people. If you don’t have a team, but want to play; just enter your name, so others can do the same – as you’re probably not the only one.

Otherwise join us at 8 pm (in the back of the pub!)

Where? 📍 Na-nÓg (Anastasius-Grün-Gasse 6, 1180 Wien; Maps: Irish Pub Na-nÓg)
When? 🕒 (PubQuiz starts at 7 pm;) Regulars-Table as usually at 8 pm.

☀️We are looking forward to seeing you! ☀️


*Attention: in the pub card payment is only possible above €15! Below that, please pay cash!

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