ÖH Boku - International Days

Presentation: Africa-BOKU Projects

Are you interested in Africa-BOKU projects?

Then join BOKU’s International Days on 21 – 23 November 2023, which offer you information about all International Master Programmes at BOKU and about possibilities to go abroad during your studies.


Presentation of Africa-BOKU Projects

When: Tuesday, November 21st, 4.30 pm – 6 pm


Thomas BAUER and Reinfried MANSBERGER

„Capacity building in academic education to support sustainable land management and promote gender equality in Ethiopia – 4 projects with strong BOKU-involvement designed to facilitate SDGs”

Gerold WINKLER, Amon AINE, Florence NANSUMBI, Byekwaso FLAVIA & Gerald KWIKIRIZA

„Study programmes & research opportunities towards the sustainable management of Eastern African rivers, wetlands & lakes”

Exnerhaus, HS 3, 1. Stock, Peter Jordan Str. 82, 1190 Wien

The team of BOKU-International Relations is looking forward to meeting you there!

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